• JS card collector

    Quick JS project for tracking Cards

    Here is a quick JS project I worked up using the live server VS code extension. It reads a JSON file of card data and displays it on a dynamic HTML table. You can filter by the rarity of cards as well as swapping price between USD and EURO. When... [Read More]
  • Algorithm and Data Structure practice

    practice make perfect

    I try to practice Leetcode or hacker rank every day to increase mastery of algorithms and data structures. Through study on AlgoMonster I am improving my skill at dynamic coding and algorithmic thinking. This has been very helpful in learning big O notation and breaking down a problem to constituent... [Read More]
  • A React powered Task Tracker

    For your busy life

    Click here to see a simple task tracker powered by react. Uses JSON server for persistence. Simply use npm install to install dependencies, dmp start to run it on your local host 3000 and npm run server to fire the database up on localhost 5000.