Click here to view my final project for Coders Campus bootcamp. Check out demo mode now! It is powered by Java, Spring, and a MySQL database. I used thymeleaf template engine and JavaScript for view control and Hibernate ORM to handle the object mapping. You can either register as a Player or a Dungeon Master. If you register as a DM you can create a party for your players to join, from there you can track their experience and gold, as well as adding and removing players from the party. If you register as a player you can join active parties, create characters, and manage your own gold and experience.
I learned a lot developing this project, mainly digging deep into thymeleaf to control what is available/shown to different users based off of Spring security profiles, user level (DM vs Player), and if their active in the party or not. By leveraging thymeleaf each user will have a different view of the page and is restricted to actions based off their profile clearance. I also had to transform a lot of data using DTO’s to pass only the necessary properties of the user entity into the page so that they would be accessible to thymeleaf.
Please enjoy, let me know if you encounter any issues, I hope this app is a Critical Hit!