Finished Up TypeScript and Node restApi
Finished up my Ecommerce RestApi backend built with Node and TypeScript. This was a great project to work on because I had put TS to the side for a bit. This project reminded me how much I enjoy the structure of TypeScript and it was good practice working asynchronously. The... [Read More] -
Building RestAPIs with Typescript and Node
Dr. StaticType or How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love TypeScript
I’ve been working on a TypeScript and Node based eccommerce store to get my mind back in the TypeScript world after working with React as my main framework for a while. It feels great to be back with TypeScript and I’m reminded just how well it aligns with the way... [Read More] -
React Ecommerce Store is looking good!
Made some changes to my react store
Working today on cleaning up my react and mirage based Ecommerce store. Added some more products and worked on polished up the images. Check it out by clicking here or check out the github repo here! -
Building a Java and React based movie app
Leveraging Spring and RestAPI to present JSON data in a human readable way
Working on a fullstack app with a springboot, java, and a mongodb back end with a fully mobile responsive React.js front end, communicating through a RESTapi powered by Springs rest controllers. This has been great because it allows be to more easily dig deep into nested object properties than thymeleaf.... [Read More]